Seriously, why lock out revMobile? It sounds like these guy were willing to bend to your every whim in order to create a product that would allow revTalk developers to create iPhone and iPad apps that took advantage of the native UI kit.
In fact, by being willing to create a product that would take revTalk and generate Objective-C which then made calls to the iPhone/iPad API's, the apps created by this tool would have been indistinguishable from those written in an 'approved' language.
I love Apple, and I love Apple products and I am also a Revolution Runtime hobbyist. I spent 7 months plowing through a book on programming for the Mac using XCode and Objective-C. However, as a hobbyist, I don't spend enough time coding to make Objective-C and the Cocoa/iPhone/iPad frameworks ever feel intuitive, friendly, or even comfortable. I find myself, when I have the time to code and when an idea needs explored, using Revolution because RevTalk is intuitive and fun to code in.
Hell, revTalk is just a 3rd party implementation of a brilliant idea that Apple created, promoted, and then unceremoniously abandoned- HyperCard + HyperTalk. I'm sure you have your reasons for your decision, but not only does this decision feel wrong, it also seems to carry on a grand tradition that Apple needs to one day exorcise- namely, alienating key members and advocates from your user base with what seem like arbitrary decisions that only work to prolong the impression that Apple cares about elegance and future technologies, even to the expense of those with a significant investment in the current state of Apple technology. We saw this with the transition from the Apple II to the Mac. It seemed like maybe Apple had learned the lesson somewhat in the 68K to PowerPC transitions, or the transition from the Classic OS to OS X. However, this decision to not allow revMobile on the platform seems like another 2 steps backward. Please reconsider and find a way to right this wrong.